Lab Values and Expectations

Our lab includes members from/with a diversity of backgrounds, research interests, and career stages, and we collectively strive to conduct unbiased, well-founded, meticulous research in an open, collaborative environment. We welcome good people (in all senses of the word ‘good’) from all walks of life (both personal and intellectual). As a lab, we have worked together to articulate the values and expectations that foster an inclusive lab culture.


Respect is the fundamental tenet of a successful lab - respect for each other, respect for our collective multiplicity of thoughts, ideas, and backgrounds, respect for our time, and respect for the scientific process. As a lab and as individuals, we denounce any form of discrimination, be it on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, origin, religion, age, physical or mental ability, both in public and in private. We want everyone to actively make others feel welcome and support one another’s endeavors. Science thrives on diversity and broad problem-solving skills, and therefore, having members of varied background encourages unique solutions and ideas.

Scientific Integrity

Pursuing scientific discovery and facing the unknown can be a challenging process. Despite challenges and setbacks, however, there is no place for dishonest research. In fact, we owe it to the scientific-discipline, and to the public, to be honest and up-front at all times. Science is an iterative process that is reliant on the discoveries of others. Keeping this in mind, we 1) never manipulate or selectively present data to achieve a desired result, 2) will not plagiarize others’ writing, content, or data, and 3) ensure that we reference and give credit to others when appropriate. Ignorance is not an excuse!

Communication and Collaboration

We encourage communication at all levels: between individuals, between groups, with our colleagues, and with the public. When interacting with one another, we respect each other’s time and personal space both during and off hours. We will be mindful that we all come from different backgrounds and have different habits and expectations. We ensure that our weekly lab meetings and joint microbiology group meetings are safe spaces free of prejudice. It is imperative that trainees feel comfortable communicating their research and opinions without fear of judgement. Participation is expected, and we promise to value every member’s input during discussions.

Presenting our research results to the broader scientific community via publications, poster presentations, and oral presentations is at the heart of our research mission. We recognize that every individual, whether technician, assistant, or postdoc, has their individual goals and aims, and thus, the exact number of publications and presentations will vary.

When one of us in the lab is successful, we are all successful. We not only encourage, but expect lab members to share data, protocols, and code used to run analysis. That being said, we discourage sharing data outside the lab without proper communication and agreement. We believe that a collaborative culture can lead to cooperation and effective teamwork, thereby increasing the productivity of the individuals and the group in publishing, presenting, and communicating.


We come together to push science forward, but also to develop our careers in meaningful ways. To accomplish this, every individual in the lab should be ambitious, but we never push people to work hard. Initiative must come from within each individual. We want you to find your calling: a project or a topic that excites and motivates you. When we realize a goal and work towards it, not only do our objectives align but so does our effort and output. We want our lab members to be successful in the Bor Lab and even more successful afterwards.


Socializing and learning about one another in a relaxed setting is crucial to our bonding and teamwork. Throughout the year, we organize a range of social events outside the lab: social hangouts, sporting events (e.g., badminton, basketball), lab volunteer activities (through Forsyth), and an annual lab retreat. We also celebrate each and every lab member’s accomplishments accordingly. Please see our Lab Life page.

For those who are joining the lab, we will provide an extended version of our Bor Lab Values and Expectations Document to bring everyone on the same page and align our goals.